
Dedicated to the health of human
beings and animals, utilizing the
science of preventative medicine

Mission - Social Duty -

"Dedicated to the health of
human beings and animals,
utilizing the science of
preventative medicine"

Since our inception, our business has developed
around this mission.


- Five Business Policies -

Core competence

Established history of developing, manufacturing, and marketing innovative veterinary prophylactic products (vaccines) and other innovative products using the latest advances in science and technology

Customer focused

Exist on the leading edge of research in the epidemiology of disease, allowing us to promptly determine customer needs and release high-quality animal/human-friendly products in a timely manner

Long-term perspective
and sustainability
of development

Consistent business expansion in domestic and global markets based on a long-term business policy rather than short-term profit
Aspire to a longstanding global enterprise through the cultivation of competitive human resources

Public trust

Business operations are conducted to high moral standards, always adhering to our pharmaceutical company's social responsibilities and applicable laws and regulations

Contribution to the
development of science
and technology

Engaged in the field of life sciences through contribution to academic veterinary medicine and public health