
Dedicated to the health of human
beings and animals, utilizing the
science of preventative medicine

Company Profile

Business established
March 1, 1947
Company incorporated
November 16, 1959
Company name
Nisseiken Co., Ltd.
Ome Head Office
9-2221-1 Shin-machi, Ome,
Tokyo 198-0024, Japan
Site area: 35,794.86 m²
Phone: +81-428-33-1001 (switchboard)
Fax: +81-428-31-6166
Kobuchisawa Facility
3331-114 Kamisasao, Kobuchisawa, Hokuto, Yamanashi 408-0041, Japan
Site area: 67,260.57 m²
Tel: +81-551-36-2333
Fax: +81-551-36-5577
Shinya Nagai
360,000,000 yen
Banks of account
Resona Bank, Higashiome Branch
The Tama Shinkin Bank, Main Office
Key Businesses
Manufacturing and wholesaling of veterinary medicinal products